the Mission
Assemble a Team of Students and Staff
willing to be Disciple Makers
- to the Ends of the Earth -
The Last Frontier ~ ALASKA
Kids Day Camp Adventures
Our week focused on taking underprivileged kids
on a pilgrimage thru
Creation / Fall / Flood / Nations/ New Creation
Using Simply the Story (STS)
a method of teaching that activates the senses,
internalizes the bible, and challenges the heart.
Avery ~ the CREATION account
from the Genesis of Paradise
(Thunderbird Falls)
Amanda ~ the FALL account
from the Failure of Adam & Eve
and an unforseen sacrifice
(Independence Abandoned Gold Mine)
Casey ~ the FLOOD account
from the survival/preservation of Noah & Company
and a token sacrifice that followed
(Fishing on Matanuska Lake/River)
Michael ~ the NATIONS account
from the story of Abraham & Issac
and the epic trust of sacrifice
(Reindeer Village)
Terry ~ the RECREATION account
from the story of Jesus Death, Burial, & Resurection
the once for all sacrifice
(Grilling Out/Block Party @ ABC Dorms)
Creation / Fall / Flood / Nations/ New Creation
Using Simply the Story (STS)
a method of teaching that activates the senses,
internalizes the bible, and challenges the heart.
Avery ~ the CREATION account
from the Genesis of Paradise
(Thunderbird Falls)
Amanda ~ the FALL account
from the Failure of Adam & Eve
and an unforseen sacrifice
(Independence Abandoned Gold Mine)
Casey ~ the FLOOD account
from the survival/preservation of Noah & Company
and a token sacrifice that followed
(Fishing on Matanuska Lake/River)
Michael ~ the NATIONS account
from the story of Abraham & Issac
and the epic trust of sacrifice
(Reindeer Village)
Terry ~ the RECREATION account
from the story of Jesus Death, Burial, & Resurection
the once for all sacrifice
(Grilling Out/Block Party @ ABC Dorms)
Construction Work @ ABC
a few work crews did
some major Renovations
4 Bathrooms got a face-lift
Two received a cosmetic paint job
while Two others felt our demolition crew
Navigating some Electric & Pluming Hazards.
a few work crews did
some major Renovations
4 Bathrooms got a face-lift
Two received a cosmetic paint job
while Two others felt our demolition crew
Navigating some Electric & Pluming Hazards.
Shout out to Alaska Bible College
Hosting us in the Dorms
(Base Camp)
Extended Alaska Adventures
Paddle / Peddle / Hike
Mountains Vistas, Moose & Reindeer
Lakes / Rivers / Glaciers
and of course no Pilgrimage is complete without
building a few Cairns along the path
Comes to Pass ...
concentric circles of making disciples
our Jerusalem/Judea,
and Ends of the Earth