Saturday, May 2, 2020

Origami Gospel

Step-By-Step Guide Thru the Origami Gospel

Ani's Open House/Virtual Graduation

Open House 
VIRTUAL Open House 
that is the Question?

Mid-to-Late SUMMER

Please Check Back Here 
to Confirm the Time & Date 
before you come...

Due to Covid-19 the Date 
continues to be Fluid...

If you wish to send a Gift, 
Word of Encouragement, 
or Support Ani's 
Dance with a Mission Trip 

the Home Address is
18361 County Rd.4
Park Rapids, MN 56470

Monday, April 27, 2020


The Campbell Carrier continues to Dream Big!
We have put on pause many of our plans, 
as have nearly everyone in the world.
Yet, the world continues to turn, 
and the need is great.

We are Launching our Two eldest this Year ~ 2020 ~
Each to their respective spheres of influence and impact.
Tori to Colorado to Intern / Staff at a Christian Camp.
Anika to Hawaii to do some short term missions with Dance.
Anika will have graduated with their A.A. Degree.
Trey is Transitioning to a PSEO Student on Line,
getting an early Jump Start on His College Career.
& Amelia is enjoying being a kid in her elementary years.
Anna looks to shift back into the CNA field.
Phil continues to work thru Leadership 
@ the Local Church level.

If the Lord Wills It, we will click thru the missional departures.
If He closes those doors - so let it be.
Whatever Comes we hope to find ourselves,
being about His Kingdom, and not our own. 
Amen? ... Amen!

Covid-19 has put the Kibosh on all Departures,

Terminal OPENED for Ani & Trey
June 20th Christian Music Video Recording @thecities
Terminal OPENED for Ani
June 22nd - early September Up-State New York
Terminal OPENED for Phil
June 24th - July 5th New England Corridor Recon Mission