Saturday, January 9, 2016

Acclimate 120 Degrees

Anywhere from 80 to 120 Degree Acclimation
Minnesota to Uganda
We have been preparing for a cultural acclimation as well
looking forward to the challenges ahead, trusting that 
His Grace is sufficient for our Team!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tentative Conference Teaching Schedule...

Possibly more Information than some of you wanted to know, but many of you intercessors wished to know the details of our teaching schedule so that you could pray for us.  Here is the early tentative schedule...
Pray for our Teaching Team - Mark, Andrew, & Phil
Day 1
1.      Morning Creation, Gen 1-2
What happened
Why it happened (God created because He is Love)
Afternoon Fall, Gen 3
God's plan
Night - Man's law, Gen-Exodus
Man did what was right in his own eyes 
and made Hell on Earth
Day 2
Morning - God's law (why sinning is bad), Lev-Judges
10 commandments
Afternoon – Prophets, Isaiah-Malachi
Contemporaries confusion over Lion vs Lamb Messiah
Night – Messiah, Matt-John
Who he is
What he did
What he is doing now
Day 3
Morning – Why church is important, Epistles
End and Beginning - Revelation
The end of the illusion the beginning of substance
Who you are - 1 John / Rm 7-8
Day 4
How to preach the Gospel Message
Clean Heart / Dirty Heart
Receiving Christ
Preaching the Gospel