Friday, April 28, 2017

SOHI Uganda Vision for '17

Anna, and her team have begun praying and prepping
for the return trip to Uganda in August 2017.
pictured below is her out going update/support letter.
If you did not receive one and would like us to send you a copy,
please message us and we would love to share details...

Strategic Planning has already begun.
the ministries of SOHI have expanded to 4 sites
each village/city has it's own unique culture & need.
It is within the scope of the Summer Team to visit all 4 locations;
Kampala is the Capital & acts as the base camp for SOHI
Masaka is where we held the Youth Conference last January
and the sight of most of the sponsored women from 
Faithbridge, (our home church).  
Matugga  (Northern Suburbs of Kampala, I believe is a SOHI site
made up of women who were refugees of a ministry that was 
no longer able to sustain itself - So SOHI absorbed Matugga under SOHI.
Gulu has garnered particular attention thru SOHI's parent ministry,
HOPE ALIVE - they have been developing a new school there for 
the children of their ministry and SOHI has been giving attention to the
women/moms/sisters of those connected with HOPE ALIVE.
I probably need to be fact-checked by Anna - but in general 
this is our current understanding of these 4 SOHI sites.

Pictured above: Hope Alive Sites - with Sister ministries of SOHI

A Small Advocacy Team from Minnesota will be leapfrogging 
across the ocean, often times connecting flights in Europe,
then usually into Kigali, Rwanda, before touching down in Kampala, Uganda.


Pray for the team as they strategize, raise funds, and make final preparations.
If you are an ongoing sponsor of one of the ladies in Masaka,
It may be possible that you could send a small care package with the team.
stay tuned for updates...


Our theme 2017 is increased savings and saving with a business purpose


Business Classes - Savings - Village Banking

Baking / Sowing / Selling


Classes Indoor/Outdoor

Pictured above - SOHI 2k16/17 
in their muli-site effort to equip these women with various 
skill sets - in order to provide an income for their family,
and learn the counter-cultural discipline of saving funds / village banking.
all while their leadership teams are Discipling them in the Word of God, 
devoting themselves to prayer and community,
 and operating in full Dependence on God
and an Interdependence on the fellowship of each other.
It is a beautiful ministry - please consider sponsoring or supporting :)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Next Generation Ministry - RICHARD

Our time overseas has reminded us how small we really are 
and How big God must Be... 
There are multiple people groups, languages,and barriers 
that are greater than the resources we possess.
Yet one of the greatest investments we can make (beyond our 
Jerusalem, Judea, Samara, & to the Ends of the Earth),
Is to find local, or national ministers who have a passion to 
reach the next generation for Christ - and who are being
trained in the word, accumulating life experiences, and have 
the advantage of culture on their side.
Tumwizere Richard is just such a man.
Anna & I have been supporting him in a number of ways
(having spent some time with him in Masaka in 2k16)

                                      Richard & Andrew                                Phil & Entebbe

He has had the privilege to travel all over Uganda and beyond,
(serving as a sent missionary from Uganda
 to the surrounding nations of East Africa)...
Sometimes his needs have been simple such as;
a backpack & water bottle w/filter,
so that he can hike back into remote bush villages.
Sometimes his needs have been scholarship/tuition/or missionary support.
As he finishes up his formal education in the next couple years,
we are raising funds to supply a laptop equipped with enough
memory/data/ram (processing) so current ministry will not be hindered
and new endeavors may be multiplied.

Richard, a native Ugandan, who is mentoring coordinator 
for 2 Timothy ministries (on wheels Boda-Boda scooters)
works with the local churches, 
coordinates regional youth ministries & outreaches beyond borders.
We were privileged to work alongside him at the youth conference last January.  Because we have kept in close contact with him and try to assist him when able, we are aware of his current need of a laptop.  So we are extending the invitation to those that wish to partner with us to raise an additional $550 to bless him with a new one - hopefully by this summer when Anna and the Team make a trip over with SOHI.

thanks for considering the investment.