Wednesday, August 24, 2016

VIDEO Snapshots

Music & Lyrics Copyright 
Anna Campbell 2k16
Accompanied by Tori, Anika, & Phil Campbell

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


To our Support Teams

Anna, Myself and the Kids have been blessed by your extended intercession, and financial support over the past year.  We really have been overwhelmed by God's Grace, and your commissioning and investment in multiple mission endeavors over the past number of months.  After much prayer, and deliberation we have found peace in moving forward with the following priorities... Thank you for your extended patience, guidance, and counsel as we carry the momentum on into 2017.

#1 Priority is to Follow up with the Favor 
God continues to give us as we come alongside SOHI.
Sisters of Hope International continues to lay heavily on Anna's Heart in particular.
We have been amazed at the response that our local network of believers.
We have been overwhelmed by so many of you buying into the greater vision, sponsorship philosophy, and personal attachment - to so many ladies in Masaka.
This seems like clear direction from the Lord to continue a focused effort
in the initiatives of SOHI throughout Uganda.  Even now there is an Advocacy group from California visiting the multiple venues and ministries of SOHI.
So Anna and some of her "Devoted" ladies are setting their sites on a return trip to Masaka and other SOHI locations next August 2017.
If you would like to support Anna's Travels that is where we would like to focus
the primary support as we finish out 2016.


#2 Priority is the opportunity and invitation to Return 
and Speak at the Youth Conference in January of 2017.  
This Conference will be held in Kisoro (strategic location in central Africa).
Due to Air-flights (buying tickets in advance) and filling out the conference
Key Note Speakers - a due date has come and gone for the early bird ticket.
The team will be filling up the speaking engagements - with or without me, 
However there may be a late window - by October/November there may still be
a spot on the speaking roster if the Lord provides in excess of Priority #1 above. 
Then a Return trip to speak at the Youth Conference may still be a possibility.
Thank you for your ongoing prayer/support - as we depend on God to 
open and close doors as he sees fit.

[If God so wishes to move a couple more Telephone Poles, either thru miraculous means or thru the generous gifts of supporters to provide for all the invitations 
we are willing to Go... 
we are also willing to support them from the states if that is His Will  
God's Will be Done, AMEN... amen]

If God has so prompted you to be apart of our support team, through whatever means, please contact Anna or Phil and we would love to share more details...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

2k16 Mission REPORT(S)

Click the Links below for our 2k16 Mission Report

Recorded by Facebook LIVE

Appalachian Student Mission Trip
California Recon & Sisters of Hope Int.
Senegal World Venture Renewal Conference
Uganda Youth Conference & S.O.H.I. of Masaka

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

our ongoing AFRICAN Narrative...

 Campbell Carrier African Narrative Coming Soon
Save the Date2K16 Report
African Departures Senegal / Uganda
July 20th 6:30pm 
Fireside Room Faithbridge Church

 Come pray with and over us as we seek God's Redirection for 2k17

Return Invitations to Uganda in January/February 

...Sisters of Hope ?

...Youth Conference ?

... more Departures ?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Return from the APPALACHIAN Mountains

Kentucky Derby

When in Kentucky - Horses - Fences - Bluegrass

Christian Appalachian Project [CAP]

CAP Projects In the Appalachian Mountains
25 Students/Staff
3 Homes
3 Vans
Floors / Roofs / Decks / Ditches / Railings / Ramps / Siding & much more

Missional Adventures
Hidden Waterfalls, Ferry the River, Devotions on the Road
The Creation Museum & Ark Encounter


Flat Lick Waterfall


Ferry across the Ohio River

Grand Opening of the ARK ENCOUNTER

thank you for your support and prayers...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Appalachian DEPARTURES

Continental Poverty Pockets - Regional Africa to Appalachian Regions

Greatest Poverty Pockets of the Appalachian Region
"In the Red" - Kentucky - Christian Appalachian Project (C.A.P.)

For the past couple decades our student ministry has made multiple trips to the Appalachian Region
Tennessee ('94) Ohio ('01) West Virginia ('08, '11) and for the first time on record we will
extend our mission to Kentucky ('16)

Recent flooding has stressed the region.  CAP has extended their reach to assist in the post-flood damage.  It will be great working with an organization who is meeting the real time front line needs.  Our team however, will be stationed behind the lines - west of the catastrophes.   We will pick up where the previous teams leave off.  Our team of 25 staff/students (Including Phil & Tori) will be primarily working with hammer in hand, doing home repair and renovations - making houses a home.
Pray for our team - our departure is July 29th - Aug 9th
Our Return trip has a bonus layover outside of Cincinnati where we will spend a couple days
Exploring the Grand Opening of The Ark Encounter / Creation Museum
We are excited to be among the first wave of people to enter The Ark...
(though controversial - it is destined to stimulate some divine conversations)


Extended Prayer Request: May God grant us discernment, wisdom, and retention as we 
explore, debate, and dig into Genesis at the Creation Museum & Ark Encounter...

 (play video above for Ark Encounter Promo)

Appalachian Pix from previous mission trips...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Sisters Of Hope Int. ADVOCACY

Anna joined the Advocacy Team 
continental connections... big hearts - Uganda
Pretty excited to see where God Leads...
(Some of this team is headed over in Aug)
Anna & I are praying 
over our possible return trip in January 2017, 
hoping to spend an extended time with SOHI, in conjunction with
World Venture, Hope Alive, & the 2017 Uganda Youth Conference
wishing to visit all 4 locations...
appreciate your prayers, please contact us for more details...
Anna making plans with Kathy & Debbie

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Collaboration: MUSIC Writing 101

Witnessing History in the Making
Anna & Brother Ben 
sharpening skills & crafting lyrics.
Excited to venture into the unknown again...
(2 or 3 songs... envisioning an album)
Coffee & Song Swap with
Kristene Dimarco
#bethel music #jesusculture

the WONDER of it All

Sundial Bridge - Redding CA

It has been a treat to travel the world the last few months with our daughters...
Looking forward to the Adventure we will have with Trey (our one & only son),
in the near future... God will make a way buddy 
Meanwhile Amelia's Cup is Overflowing as is the iconic Shasta Lake Dam


Atop Shasta Dam


California Watershed - Redding to Bakersfield CA.

We just Drove thru a Tree... (Redwood Forest)

...spotted some Whales, & Sea Lions at the Ocean

...hiked Fern Canyon (Jurassic Park II) at Cliff's Edge

...navigated thru the Tallest Trees in the world (Star Wars VI)

ahh...the Wonder of it All

God's Handy Work is AMAZING...