Praying thru some Missional Invites
We have some Urgent Prayer Requests
Primarily that God would Confirm
Secondly that He would Provide
(Check-Out our Posture and Position @ the end of this Blog)
Deposit Deadline MADE...
Awaiting Any Further Contributions
ISRAEL TRIP moved to Sept 2020
During the Feast of Tabernacles
Details and Extended Invitation COMING TO YOU SOON...
ALASKA TRIP Looking @ Two Venues
Iditarod Race (March) or Village Camp (July)
Final Place & Time still to be determined...
#1 Priority Uganda January 2019
After embracing the work of Jayne Oppito, (Uganda, Country Director),
sending her back to Kampala with a network of support,
We are ready and raring to go back.
God continues to give us favor as we come alongside SOHI
Sisters of Hope International continues to be a central pulse
of the Campbell Carrier.
A New Team has formed and we have been asked (Anna & Phil) to Co-Lead the trip.
Please Pray for the Campbells as they prep as a family, and process how God would make the journey happen, fiscally speaking.
We have been financially supported in the past by near miraculous measures,
by our dearest friends and family,
and a network of advocacy groups, camps, churches,
and by the miraculous timing of Telephone Pole Exchanges...
God has moved Mountains for us before - He can do it again IF He is in this.
$6,000 is the goal
A Deposit $1,000 / Person
Due November 15th
We are praying that God clarifies His return invitation,
by doing what only He can do to send us overseas.
If God would so choose to raise up a generous people,
who rally around the mission of SOHI & partner with our lead,
that would be a confirmation.
If you would like to receive the campbellcarrier support letter/magnet
partner with us, & receive details and Itinerary
contact us at
*NEWS FLASH: through your collective efforts & generosity
we superseded our goal of 100 water filters
earlier this fall ($50/filter)
to support the ongoing ministry of SOHI
& Bucket Ministry Initiative this February.
The Extended Invitation for Phil & Anna
to Distribute & Set Up the Buckets,
to Provide a Bible for Families,
and Present the Gospel with at each distribution...
that is, impart, what the $6,000 goal allows
the Buckets will get Distributed regardless of us,
the Invite is that we would personally have a hand in the distribution!
...with a contingency that if half the support comes in
then Anna will commit to the team
[Phil would be the added Bonus
He would become a lead spokesman for the Distribution.]
#2 Priority Israel June 2019
This is a pipe dream of Phil's for the past 20 years.
Touring/Ministering in the Holy Land / Israel
would be a trip of a lifetime...
I can only imagine how it would supplement
& tangibly impact ongoing ministry in the states.
The unique opportunity is significant,
A) My eldest Brother Chris Campbell is co-leading
B) I would have a chance to Invite Others join up
However, there have been no less than three
closed doors to this trip in the last couple decades.
Could this be the year
$5,500 Prayer
Deposit Due December 31st
Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support of the Campbell Clan
If you are interested in joining Phil on the Israel Tour, lets visit.
Trip will fill up fast - first-come / first-serve
We also want to steward our resources on the home-front as well.
We have put on hold projects, vehicles, and venison.
So Pray that we don't neglect the priority of family needs,
surviving in the North Woods, and preparing for fiscal responsibilities
that often dim in light of adventures abroad.
Recently Phil recovered from a much need Surgery on an umbilical hernia...
His Chronic-Migraines are pending but under control...
So pray that we continue to be diligent in matters of our health...
We can control a few things like Sleep, Diet, and Exercise,
Phil has gained a lot of ground in these areas, but not where He wants to be.
Pray for Anna's ongoing development.
God has given her favor with writing music, with SOHI,
and with a number of other local ministries...
The struggle is how to best invest her time and energy.
Pray also for our kids, and extended family.
That we might represent Jesus in such a way that is
attractive to HIM - His Story not just our adventures...
Pray also that God would lead you
on how to specifically be involved with making disciples.
Our Stories are infectious.
Our mutual faithfulness is for His Kingdom,
and as a by product it richly enhances our own lives
as we follow the lead of Jesus.
Pray that the very Spirit of God would
clear away doubts, make our paths straight,
and fill us - overflowing with His Presence for His Names Sake
for His Reputation, for His Renown
#3 Priority Alaska July 2019
NEWS FLASH ~ the Alaska Mission is FULLY SUPPORTED
It is our summer mission for Students, that has been
3 years in the making.
Year 1 was local ministry to native reservations here in Minnesota
Year 2 was across the border into Canada, 1st Nation Peoples (Peguis)
Year 3 will be the highly anticipated journey to remote villages in Alaska
$2,500 Answer to Prayer
[Paid in Full]
Odd thing about this one is that the logistics of the trip continues to be, not coming to pass. Communication with ministries and a clear vision as to what and when ~ continues to be in DELAYED STATUS. So am I to use this as seed money, or hang on to it for the eventual Alaska Trip?
I don't have "peace" yet what to do about the money in hand? And WISDOM & DISCERNMENT says just because I have the money - does not equal confirmation that this is God's Direction.
So you see my/our dilemma.
Please Pray for Peace...
All of this seed money is 3 years worth of savings from extra side jobs, designated for the hopeful mission.
[Thinking I was being a good steward of the Alaska Vision]
Praying thru some Missional Invites
We have some Urgent Prayer
Primarily that God would Confirm
Secondly that He would Provide
Our Posture continues to be,
that God would especially magnify
His own Story, through our desperate
desire to depend on Him.
Over and Over we have seen Him, &
anticipate Him to uniquely manifest
His Glory on Display through
our sole allegiance on Him
Our Position continues to
rest on the leverage that He owns it all
and He can & will move Heaven & Earth
and the Hearts of Men, Women, & Children
if indeed we are to Commit to these Invites.
...we are Committed to
not putting our
friends and family in an
obliging position to fund our trips
...we are Committed to
trusting that if God wants
to pull off a miracle by means
of moving Mnts.,
Cattle on A thousand hills,
or a couple Telephone Poles
He can do that
...we are also Committed to
sharing our Vision & Need with
friends, family, acquaintances, and
others who Wish to Invest in these Invites,
believing God can Miraculously use
a Network of Cheerful Givers
who by their Prayer and Resources
become Co-Missionaries with us via. Extension.
...we are Committed to
GO - Only if we are Fully Funded.
We are restricted/pending our answers based on
the payment dates ie... Nov.15th/Dec.31st
...we are Committed to
~ the Spirit's Final Say ~
believing that just because the funding
may be in hand, we give "final say"
to the Peace that is Above Understanding
to Delay or Cancel if the Spirit flags our direction.
...we are Committed to
our Local Church,
and the Guidance & Wisdom
they speak into our life.
...we are Committed
most importantly to the Living Narrative
of God's Revealed Word,
It continues to be Jesus's direct counsel
into any and every invite.
...we are Committed to
being Obedient when
God Confirms ALL THE ABOVE