Thursday, January 28, 2016

Forest PYGMY Peoples of Uganda

Batwa Forest Pygmy Experience - Displaced Peoples of Southwest Uganda

It was our privilege during the Youth Conference in Masaka to disciple students last week, 
who are now on mission this week - village to village & house to house 
among the Batwa, (Forest Pygmies) of Southwest Uganda.  [Unreached People Group]

Youth Conference - Tribal Teams Leading Worship

A couple of buss loads of students are heading to the villages among the displaced Batwa Peoples.

Tree Lions and Gorillas of Southwest Uganda

In a land where Lions live among the Trees, and Gorillas trump the land rights of indigenous people, an impenetrable forest lies before them.
The Batwa people though small in stature have survived against tremendous odds.  
After being kicked out of their forest by the Ugandan Authorities, they struggle to find their identity.
Though they believe in a creator god, the Judeo/Christian God of the Bible is foreign to most of them.
Commissioning of the Many Teams & Tribes represented in the Youth Conference of Masaka 2016

It will be the task of the students we commissioned last week, 
to spend the week among the Batwa people this week and share their faith, their bibles, their fellowship, their hope, and most importantly the Love that Jesus has to offer.
Pray for these students that God will grant them the words to share His story.
Pray for the Batwa Peoples that God would restore their dignity, their identity, 
and most importantly - regenerate them thru a repentant heart.  
Oh that they would be hungry and thirsty for the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

The Batwa Experience - Restoring the Culture of the Forest Pygmies of Southwest Uganda

Video on the Displaced [Unreached People Group] Batwa Pygmies of Southwest Uganda

Resettlement REFUGEE Camp

Decades have come to pass and a whole new generation has grown up 
having never left this Resettlement Refugee Camp.
Special Permission had to be officially granted through the Ugandan Government Agencies
to allow entrance/access in and out of this Refugee Camp.
Back in 2015 our Sr. Pastor and his wife (Marty and Marcia Giese)
along with another couple were granted access to the camp to share an extended time of
teaching/preaching/discipleship within the Refugee Camp.  
After, seeking permission and documentation a group of students from the Refugee Camp
were permitted to attend the Masaka Conference In January...
Leaving the Resettlement Refugee Camp for the 1st Time in their entire life.
It was an incredible time of fellowship, worship, and mutual edification with the refugee students.
We were astounded at their level of engagement both through our teaching segments, 
and the worship that they brought through song and dance.  It was other-worldly.  
The synchronization, the vocal tones, the instrumentation was soulishly divine.  
What a gift mix, talent, and passion they shared.
And for the 1st Time - outside the box of their Refugee Camp.
As we continue to pray over them, we eagerly anticipate the Kingdom of God charging ahead
with Anthems, Emotion, and a Tribal Genre that Amplifies God through previously unforeseen light.
Tori surrounded by students (Taking Polaroid Pics - and handing them out)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Adventure of FIRSTS



The View from Here
Cape Buffalo
The Herd
Tembo & The Hot Air Balloon
Dumbo & Grandpa
Uhm... that Just Happened
Photo Bomb
Sleeping Giants
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Territorial Hippos the Fight is On
Floating Island of Hippos (Fishing Village)
Prehistoric Mud Hole (Hippo Bath)
Pink & Purple Sun Bathers 
Mark on the Run...
More than one Mongoose - Mongeese?
Monkey Business 
Rift Valley
Mother/Daughter Moment
Off Road Safari
Pope Mobile
Tire Racing
Water Buck
Zebra Stalking
Acacia Tree Frame

Headwaters of the Nile River
Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria
Headwaters of the River Nile

The Many/MINI Stories

Though we are Many who make up the church, our Mini Stories Matter
One Journal would not be sufficient to even write down the names, let alone each individual story.
There were common denominators: 
Split Homes, Absent Dads, Muslim Fathers, Father with Multiple Wives
No Parents, Refugee, Without a Sponsor, Bread Winner for the other Siblings.
Limited Resources, Pride in their Tribal Identity, Respect for Authority, Hunger for Friendship,
a Smile that Beams, a Sadness that Numbs, etc...

An aspiring Architect, a Nurse, a Daughter who is Struggling, an Orphan etc...
all of them have inspiring stories, uniquely crafted as God continues to write their next chapter.

I have to at least share one story - His name is Farouk.  
Hope Alive under the umbrella of World Venture and in partnership with the Masaka Church,
has been setting up sponsors for youth for a couple decades now 
- long enough to see the fruit of their labors. 
 Pictured above is Catharine (World Venture Missionary) at their headquarters in Kampala.
she is the visionary for the branching ministry, and gave us a tour & inside scoop of the ministry.
Rather than focus on quantity they focus on quality sponsorship, hoping to produce student leaders
that will engage their sphere of influence and become world changers right here in Uganda.  

After meeting Catherine in Kampala we journeyed to Masaka where we set up camp for the week. 
The local branch in Masaka also had a growing network of mothers (Sisters of Hope) that Anna 
spent a great deal of time consulting & supporting while in Masaka.
                                   Anna, Catharine, Phil                       Andrew & Jen Reep
At the end of the 1st Day in Masaka, I received a message from a Youth Pastor/Friend of mine, back home in West Virginia. Andrew & Jen Reep have been in the process of adopting kids from Ethiopia over the last two years, but little did I know that his/their heart for Africa actually started in Uganda... Moreover, come to find out he had done a short internship in Masaka years ago.  
Guess who his supervisor was - Yep Catharine.  He informed me that he had sponsored a kid in Masaka and I should try and look him up.  Little did we know that the connection had already been made, (I didn't know it because I had been referring to Farouk by his other 1st Name Mutebi.
So upon finding out Farouk was sponsored by a good friend back home, we spent some extended time together, sharing with each other our stories, 
and adding additional layers of bonded, albeit global relationships.
Farouk basically helps support his mom (Catholic Background), His dad (Muslim Moderate) 
is absent except for once a month when he comes to Masaka to spend time with his 4th wife 
(Farouk's mom), which was kind of awkward for me, but to Farouk this was his norm.  Farouk real mentor, besides an older brother was an older man from the Masaka Church who had taken him under his wing the last couple years and taught him about Christianity, lead him to the Lord, and was discipling him as a "Born Again" believer.  This older man had invested in him quite a bit over the last couple years, so much so that he had taught him a trade just by hanging out with him.  Two more years of school and Farouk will enter into a vocational study (plumbing).  

Farouk had mentioned, in passing without a name that his mentor had a freak accident last autumn.  
He had fallen and busted his head open in the shower - killing him instantly.  Pretty despairing for Farouk, but he is staying focused and pursuing the vocational field of his mentor.
We shared many stories, played some volleyball & soccer together making our own memories to take back to Andrew and Jen.  There are some miraculous things that I can't share here, but God has definitely been working in and through Farouk's life.  
Just before we departed from the conference, one last piece of the puzzle was given to me.  
I found out in the course of another conversation that Pastor Aloys the Patriarch and head of the church in Masaka, had a son that could not be with us for the Conference.  His son Ben, had been one of the driving forces behind putting together this youth conference which I had been invited to, and I believe he would have been overwhelmed, and blessed beyond measure at the response from the Conference.  Nearly twice as many students then originally conceived came to his Conference that he was unable to attend.   He was unable to attend because, he had died of a freak accident back in the fall, having slipped in the Shower, and losing his life instantly...
This was the mentor of Farouk -Ben - the Son of Pastor Aloys... and now I was witnessing the next generation of his discipleship rising up.  Not only in Farouk, but many others like him and his story.
I love it when our stories cross, and God's hand is undeniable.  
This is Farouk's Story, This is My Story, This is the Story of Andrew & Jen, the Story of Ben & Aloys, and the stroy of hundreds of students in Masaka Uganda, and now his story has crossed paths with your story...

God is Good, All the Time, All the Time, God is Good... It is His Nature!