Thursday, January 28, 2016

Resettlement REFUGEE Camp

Decades have come to pass and a whole new generation has grown up 
having never left this Resettlement Refugee Camp.
Special Permission had to be officially granted through the Ugandan Government Agencies
to allow entrance/access in and out of this Refugee Camp.
Back in 2015 our Sr. Pastor and his wife (Marty and Marcia Giese)
along with another couple were granted access to the camp to share an extended time of
teaching/preaching/discipleship within the Refugee Camp.  
After, seeking permission and documentation a group of students from the Refugee Camp
were permitted to attend the Masaka Conference In January...
Leaving the Resettlement Refugee Camp for the 1st Time in their entire life.
It was an incredible time of fellowship, worship, and mutual edification with the refugee students.
We were astounded at their level of engagement both through our teaching segments, 
and the worship that they brought through song and dance.  It was other-worldly.  
The synchronization, the vocal tones, the instrumentation was soulishly divine.  
What a gift mix, talent, and passion they shared.
And for the 1st Time - outside the box of their Refugee Camp.
As we continue to pray over them, we eagerly anticipate the Kingdom of God charging ahead
with Anthems, Emotion, and a Tribal Genre that Amplifies God through previously unforeseen light.
Tori surrounded by students (Taking Polaroid Pics - and handing them out)